
Emergency News

5 years ago

New initiative encourages locals to support locals

5 years ago

Cessnock City Council have partnered with local business chambers and associations to launch a new campaign aimed at encouraging community support for businesses across the Cessnock Local Government Area (LGA).

The ‘Support Local’ campaign has been designed to raise awareness of the importance of shopping and buying local during these difficult times. A key component of the campaign is harnessing the power of social media to promote businesses within the LGA.

Community members can show their support by taking a photo of their purchase and the local business, and posting the photo to Instagram or Facebook with the hashtag #supportlocalcessnock. As an added incentive Advance Cessnock Partners will be selecting five monthly winners to receive a $100 gift card for the best posts.

Council’s Economic Development Manager, Tony Chadwick said locals supporting locals is all about working together.

“We’ve been through a lot lately - drought, floods, bushfires and now a pandemic. However, one hugely positive outcome from all this, is our unrelenting community spirit. When we support local, every member of the community gets to enjoy the economic, social and environmental benefits - not just now, but well into the future.”

“Buying locally supports local jobs, keeps shops open and keeps money within the region. We really can do anything when we all work together.”

For more information visit Advance Cessnock City.   

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